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Porn Newz - Adult Industry News, Events & Articles

Monday, January 12, 2009

Porn makers surf mobile phone wave

January 13, 2009

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA — Adult entertainment powerhouse Pink Visual saw visits to its mobile video service soar after Christmas as people turned on new iPhones and tapped into porn.

Sex video makers and distributors are evolving with the technology times, catering to customers seeking satisfaction on smart phones, Blu-ray players, and Internet television.

Digital Playground, which is credited with producing the first high-definition adult film five years ago, has a Web site devoted exclusively to Apple’s hot iPhones and offers free trailer "podcasts" for iPods.

"The way people get their porn is changing," Pink distribution operations manager Kim Kysar said as an annual Adult Entertainment Expo wrapped in Las Vegas on Sunday.

"It is going to be more personal and you get it anywhere you are: on the road, in the bathroom at work. Nobody is going to be the wiser."

"We saw a peak after Christmas when everybody got new video phones," Ms. Kysar said. "One of the first things people do after activating their iPhones is Google ’iPhone porn,’ and here they are."

"How great would it be to have a porn Internet café?" she asked, dreamily peering into adult entertainment’s future. — AFP

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