Freedom of Speech is one of the most fundamental principles upon which our Country was built. Introduced by the Founding Fathers in the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, it contains no ambiguity. Paid for in blood, by thousands of fellow Americans who fought and died so that future generations could possess, cherish, and pass this gift on, it has been vital to the past, present and future of our Great Nation. Yet, in present days it has become one of the most controversial issues and subjects for interpretation.
Porn Newz - Adult Industry News, Events & Articles
Monday, September 29, 2008
Woman applies for adult video business; neighboring businessman opposes application at City Council meeting
The Daily Times Staff
A woman has applied to locate a sexually-oriented business at 2642 U.S. 411 South in the city of Maryville, a move an adjacent business owner opposes.This would be the first such business within the city limits.Deborah Yantis wants to locate her business, Sunshine Video, closer to town, said Maryville Development Services Director John Jagger. Sunshine Video was previously located at the intersection of U.S. 411 South, Clover Hill Mill Road and Calderwood Highway in Blount County. David Church, operator of Tae Kwan Do America, 2640 U.S. 411 South, voiced his objections to the business locating near his at a Maryville City Council meeting Tuesday night.Church said his business is located in a building that also houses an insurance agency. Yantis wants to open the sexually-oriented business in a separate building behind his which also houses a pet grooming business.Church said 85 percent of his students are age 4 to 16. "My families are pretty concerned and upset with this. You don't want to bring your children to that location," he said. Church said he has told 10 families who have children enrolled at his school of the issue. He plans to hold a meeting at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday at the school to inform the rest of the families.Church said opening the business at that location is against the city code, which requires it be 1,000 feet from a family-oriented business.However, city attorney Melanie Davis said, "Our quandary is that this type of business is protected by the federal constitution and free expression. We cannot tell them they cannot locate in the city of Maryville."Ordinance has problemsThe city's sexually-oriented business ordinance was adopted in 1999 and is problematic in that there are too few potential locations, she said.The current law permits the use only in the Business/Transportation Zone, which runs along Lamar Alexander Parkway and U.S. 411 South.Such businesses have to be at least 1,000 feet from churches, schools and residences, she said. She said additional protections, such as banning what can go in windows and on the sign, may be added. She expects several follow-up ordinances to be considered."The city is going to have to open more areas," Davis said. She expects the 1,000-foot rule to be cut to 500 feet. The issue will have to come before Maryville Planning Commission and then Maryville City Council for any changes to be made.In further action, council:� Approved on second and final reading annexation of Camellia Trace Drive, which is located off West Lamar Alexander Parkway. The property was rezoned from County Suburbanizing to City High Density Residential and will include a Parkway District Overlay Zone.
Friday, September 12, 2008
WAR ON PORN WILL HEAT UP… GUARANTEED!!!!What this VP Is All About and How It Will Effect YOU! The Adult Industry

Sarah Palin: A Dominionist: As Ultra Right Wing As They Get!
Sorry to have to get SO political, but, “morally. as a member of the “Adult Industry” and a believer in the First Amendment and all personal rights that ar FOR NOW granted to us in the Constitution I feel VERY STRONGLY that this MUST be brought into the forefront.
Religion, especially in this country, gets a free ride, a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” when it comes to scrutiny, Many times the “Main Stream” media will stay away from any story regarding the religion of a candidate ESPECIALLY for those running for Vice President or President.
But this is different….. this is not “RELIGION” as most people know it. This is ULTRA RIGHT WING, and very Dangerous. I laughed and oohed and aaahed with everyone about the sex scandals, But to find out that Sahah Palin is even REMOTELY involved with the DOMINIONISTS … quite more
For more information or interviews contact:
LAS VEGAS – (September 3, 2008) – Vivid Entertainment Group was chosen as "Adult Film Studio of the Year" during the recent StorErotica Convention and Trade Show at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas from August 24-27.
Vivid is the world's leading adult film company that is best known for its elite corps of adult actresses known as the Vivid Girls. The firm has won more AVN Awards (adult entertainment's "Oscar") than any other studio in the industry, has an archive of almost 2000 movies, and is recognized as the pioneer in taking the adult industry into the mainstream.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Strippers take aim at Tories
- At a press conference outside a Mississauga strip club yesterday, adult entertainment industry leaders said they think a law that essentially bans foreign strippers should be an issue during the next federal election campaign.
It seems the unlikeliest of federal election issues, but adult entertainment industry representatives insist that the Conservative legislation should be on the public's radar as the election campaign begins.
"I am completely appalled that Diane Finley (federal immigration minister), as a woman, is not supporting women," said Sheena De Janeiro, a former dancer and now co-owner of the Airport Strip Club on Torbram Rd. in Malton. "What is she trying to say? That this is not a good opportunity for women?"
The Adult Entertainment Association of Canada, which hosted the conference outside the Treasures strip club on Atlantic Dr., denounced the new legislation, which they say is killing their more
Moncton mayor calls for more control of strip clubs

The Canadian Press
MONCTON, N.B. — The City of Moncton is taking action to try to gain some control over strip clubs.
The city has passed a resolution it hopes will be backed by the Cities of New Brunswick Association that calls on the province to make legislative changes that will put more power in the hands of municipalities when it comes to exotic entertainment.
"We find that municipalities have very limited ability or authority to deal with these kinds of businesses, particularly if they are pre-existing," said Moncton Mayor George LeBlanc.
"We are asking government to give municipalities more authority and more flexibility to deal with this kind of business right through the province."
Municipalities are not allowed to ban strip clubs outright, but can create zoning bylaws to keep them out of certain areas or restrict them to particular more
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Porn Business Goes Public
Tom Johansmeyer
Is porn really growing up? There’s no shortage of talk about the mainstreaming of the skin trade, but most of it misses the mark. Instead of ogling the Vivid Video billboard on 7th Ave, check out the OTC listings instead. Adult entertainment just got a new publicly traded player, Adult Entertainment Capital, Inc., and the flesh biz just moved a step closer to legitimacy. more
Adult Entertainment Capital Takes Porn Public
Adult Entertainment Capital, Inc. has launched the first publicly traded and licensed investment option. Investors can put their money into all types of adult business—from gentlemen's clubs to lifestyle resorts, content and emerging technology platforms. This groundbreaking development changes the porn finance landscape.
Milton "Todd" Ault III, President and CEO of Adult Entertainment Capital, recognizes that the adult industry has suffered from a lack of strong financial investment opportunities, particularly in public capital markets. Adult Entertainment Capital, Inc. plans to meet that need by offering business development funds, financial management and full or partial buyout options to progressive adult oriented companies across all stages of the business more
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Boynton Beach strip club owner declares his business a public nuisance
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Prosecutors dropped the hefty original charges Goddard faced after his arrest a year ago: trafficking in oxycodone and deriving proceeds from prostitution. Goddard, 54, instead pleaded guilty to the rarely-prosecuted felony of operating a public nuisance where controlled substances are illegally kept or more