
Freedom of Speech is one of the most fundamental principles upon which our Country was built. Introduced by the Founding Fathers in the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, it contains no ambiguity. Paid for in blood, by thousands of fellow Americans who fought and died so that future generations could possess, cherish, and pass this gift on, it has been vital to the past, present and future of our Great Nation. Yet, in present days it has become one of the most controversial issues and subjects for interpretation.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A right to not be offended?

Do universities have a customer-service responsibility to their students to rein in expression that makes students uncomfortable?

Lukianoff (Anti-free-speech zones) and Shermer (Schools have rights too) discuss what roles, if any, a school has in monitoring the expressions of its students


Michael Shermer is the publisher of Skeptic magazine (, a monthly columnist for Scientific American, an adjunct professor in the School of Economics and Politics at Claremont Graduate University and the author of 10 books.

Greg Lukianoff is a constitutional lawyer and the president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education ( He is a frequent guest on national TV news programs and a blogger at the Huffington Post...........

to read the entire debate

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