
Freedom of Speech is one of the most fundamental principles upon which our Country was built. Introduced by the Founding Fathers in the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, it contains no ambiguity. Paid for in blood, by thousands of fellow Americans who fought and died so that future generations could possess, cherish, and pass this gift on, it has been vital to the past, present and future of our Great Nation. Yet, in present days it has become one of the most controversial issues and subjects for interpretation.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ben Stein and the ‘Fair Use Doctrine of Free Speech’

Posted by Dan Slater
April 17, 2008, 9:11 am

Newly-returned from three days at the Harry Potter fair use trial, a veritable crash course in fair use, the Law Blog was interested this morning to read that the producers of an upcoming movie — starring a lawyer, no less — had invoked fair use in a statement they put out.
Online at WSJ today is an article by the Journal’s Ethan Smith in L.A. about a group of filmmakers who, according to the piece, have “incurred the wrath” of Yoko Ono, John Lennon’s widow, for using 25 seconds of the song “Imagine” in their movie, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” which opens tomorrow.
The film, according to the WSJ, stars Ben Stein, a Yale-educated lawyer, game-show host, journalist and actor (”Bueller? Bueller?”) who for the film affects a persona akin to a conservative version of Michael Moore (”Sicko,” “Fahrenheit 9/11″). The film apparently tries to make the point that American academia discriminates against people who espouse “intelligent design” theory — an alternative to evolution that would allow for the participation of a supernatural force in critical biological processes.
In a statement, the film’s producers conceded that they didn’t seek permission, but they called the use “momentary,” and said, after “seeking the opinion of legal counsel it was seen as a First Amendment issue and protected under the fair use doctrine of free speech.” ......(read more)

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