
Freedom of Speech is one of the most fundamental principles upon which our Country was built. Introduced by the Founding Fathers in the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, it contains no ambiguity. Paid for in blood, by thousands of fellow Americans who fought and died so that future generations could possess, cherish, and pass this gift on, it has been vital to the past, present and future of our Great Nation. Yet, in present days it has become one of the most controversial issues and subjects for interpretation.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Price Paid for Free Speech and others

May 27, 2008

TV Journalist Barry Nolan: Why I Was Fired For Protesting Bill O'Reilly
Interesting how during the Bush/Rove years people were punished for exercising their free speech.
I guess someone was right from an earlier blog that there is No such thing as FREE speech in America anymore.
Perhaps they are correct. If you cannot speak without fear of repercussions, then you cannot speak freely.
The Terrorists have Won! They have succeeded. We have voluntarily surrendered our rights our to not crazy ideological religious fanatics.
PS -- Interesting developement. Perhaps I spoke too soon.
Supreme court: anti-bias laws cover reprisal claims
read more

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