
Freedom of Speech is one of the most fundamental principles upon which our Country was built. Introduced by the Founding Fathers in the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, it contains no ambiguity. Paid for in blood, by thousands of fellow Americans who fought and died so that future generations could possess, cherish, and pass this gift on, it has been vital to the past, present and future of our Great Nation. Yet, in present days it has become one of the most controversial issues and subjects for interpretation.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Free Speech And Ernst Zundels

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I've stayed out of this Richard Warman, Human Rights Commission, free speech argument for a while. In a very basic sense, I support unlimited free speech. That is to say, I support the freedom of each individual to write and to say anything they actually believe in, whether it be controversial in nature, or even dishonest in actual evidence. For instance, I support the freedom of speech for the faithful to claim that God created the world 5,000 years ago, against all the massive scientific evidence to the contrary. That's their freedom of choice on how they interpret the world around them. Of course, it does involve ignoring a body of evidence the weight of billions of fossilized bones refuting that idea, but nobody said anybody was compelled to believe in "facts". I'll even allow God may have created the Earth and the Heavens and the Universe. But it wasn't 5,000 years ago.

The problem, however, which arises from the free flow of free speech is that there are those who, against all contradictory evidence, will claim to be pursuing an intellectually honest search for "the truth". Wow. The Truth. Sounds pretty impressive, doesn't it? As this commenter at Small Dead Animals points out, isn't the truth more important than striking down "false news"?

First off, this has nothing to do with Warren Kinsella who also linked to this item. Those of you who have a problem with Warren Kinsella, take it to Mr.Kinsella. For me, the problem with "Loki" is that she is a very unwelcome voice on a conservative site which is a supporter of the conservative party. Not only do Loki and Kathy Shaidle not speak for me, but I imagine they don't speak for the Conservative party either. And I imagine few from the Conservative party would touch either of them with a ten foot pole if they said that Ernst Zundel had a legitimate right to pursue the "truth" of asking whether "Did 6 million really die?"

Second, yes they did die, Loki. In fact, the historical and forensic evidence of the holocaust is perhaps the single most documented and fact-checked mass murder in the history of humankind. The idea that a mentally unstable and intellectual liar from Germany has exposed any new insights into the holocaust is brazenly deceitful. Not only has Mr.Zundel been rebuked from every single reputable historian on the face of the planet, every single holocaust survivor living, and those who gave testimony before they were deceased, but the evidence from the Nazis themselves is overwhelmingly compelling. For those who are intensely masochistic, there is an entire website devoted to taking the Ernst Zundel argument and crushing it into a fine dust of incoherence. Of course, some form of tolerance for "reading" may be essential for "denial sympathizers" like Loki:

I spent a bit of time on Zundelsite a while back and on Ken McVay's Nizkor site and I just couldn't get excited about the minutae of interpreting WWII documents. For a historian this might be interesting, but I'm far more interested in science.

In short, Kathy Shaidle and Loki, the reason the Conservative party hasn't become involved in these latest little Human Rights Commission debacles, is that they tend to invite comment from intellectual dwarfs who think that Ernst Zundel has "nothing offensive" on his site. Loki, you are a pathological and dangerous liar if you think that either Mr.Zundel has anything worthwhile to say, or that there hasn't been a massive amount of outrage about the denial of the Armenian genocide either. As I wrote in Kate's comments section, here's google, get aquainted with it. Loki, you embarrass Conservatives by your association. Free speech is an integral part of a democratic society, but it's equally important to exercise the strong censuring of those who espouse historically dishonest propaganda.

I'm embarrassed by garbage of this sort, and I don't want to be associated with those who abide it. I support the Conservative party, not a bunch of borderline racists with an agenda against Muslims and a thinly veiled excuse of free speech to abuse it.

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