August 30, 2005
Possessing and accessing extreme internet pornography could become illegal under government proposals.
Distribution of extreme pornography is illegal in the UK but this does not affect foreign websites, so new laws could ban possession of it in Britain.
The Home Office and Scottish Executive are consulting on whether new laws are needed and what should be covered.
The idea was welcomed by the family of Jane Longhurst, of Hove, murdered by a man addicted to violent net porn.
The aim is for a new offence of possessing violent and abusive pornography, which could be punishable by up to three years in prison, Home Officer Minister Paul Goggins told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
Mr Goggins said such images were "extremely offensive to the vast majority" and had no place in society.
If it is found that the law can be strengthened to cut violent pornography from our society, then we will take action
Cathy Jamieson (Scottish Executive)